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Article: Juicy Rhubarb Tarte

Juicy Rhubarb Tarte

Juicy Rhubarb Tarte

Sunday Treat – Rhubarb Tarte


This tarte is so light, yet so delicious you could eat the whole in one go ;)

All you need for that perfect spring tarte:

  • A few strings rhubarb
  • 150g hazelnut flour
  • 100g natural soy yoghurt
  • 2 tbsp starch
  • 4 tbsp agave sirup
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp natural vanilla extract
  • ½ a lemon
  • Cinnamon as much as you like (remember: it’s an anti-inflammant, so more is more;))

How to:

For the base:

Mix the hazelnut flour together with the 3 tbsp. of coconut oil, 2 tbsp of agave syrup, a pinch of cinnamon and the vanilla extract and mold evenly onto the Tarte form. Use the excess amount to make crumbles.

For the topping:

Mix the yoghurt with the starch, 2 tbsp of agave syrup, a pinch of cinnamon and a zest of lemon and spread over the base. Place into the fridge for around 20min. Meanwhile wash and cut the rhubarb into equal pieces. Roll in cinnamon. Decorate onto the yoghurt base in a nice grid or pattern as you wish and top with the hazelnut crumble. Into the oven for around 30min at ~160° degrees. Enjoy

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