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Frequently asked Questions

Q: What makes Næo unique?

A: Næo is the only personalised nutraceutical vitamin to help achieve better skin and health while inspiring a healthier lifestyle by increasing hydration through an innovative bottle. All why doing good for others too.

We are on a mission to help you achieve better (skin) health while increasing your hydration without the need for conventional pills.

In short: Welcome to the future of holistic nutrition.

Q: What are Naeo nutraceuticals?

A: As the name indicates nutraceuticals combine “nutrition” and “pharmaceuticals”. They are substances derived from food sources that provide nutritional and health benefits and help prevent upcoming diseases.

Q: What is the difference to supplements?

A: While nutraceuticals are technically a part of dietary supplements, the main differentiator is the form in which they come and the ingredients used. “Classical” supplements look like drugs as they come in pill form and contain food-like substances to benefit health, whereas nutraceuticals contain whole foods to augment health, which makes them more natural and effective.

Q: When can I buy Naeo vitamins?

A: We are working relentlessly to make sure you will be able to order your personalized vitamins as soon as possible.

Naeo vitamins will officially launch Q1 2023.

While you are waiting start your health routine with our innovative bottle, sign up to our newsletter and follow us to receive exclusive founding member discounts and be up-to-date on our weekly blog posts containing inspiring health and wellness content.

We cannot wait to help you start a new chapter of your personalised nutrition.

 Q: What is the solution to your card riddle?

The six words that should be findable are: 

holistic, personalised, nutraceutical, water, lifestyle, routines