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Article: Why supplements are important for holistic health

Why supplements are important for holistic health

Why supplements are important for holistic health

Many of us lead a healthy lifestyle which means that there is no urgent need to supplement anything per se. However, seasons change, habits change, conditions change and most important around a third of us struggle to take in enough vitamins on a daily basis. Hence, there are plenty of reasons why taking supplements can even be beneficial for those amongst us who feel like they are the epitome of health.

  1. With normal fruits and veg eaten in regular amounts it is fairly impossible to achieve your 100% daily intake rate of your core vitamins A,B, C and D.
  2. Some vitamins, like Vitamin K, only very rarely occur in fruits and veggies you eat on a daily basis, which is why it is important to supplement it so your body gets all the vits it needs
  3. During winter months, especially in countries with lower average sunshine, like the UK, the national health organization advises to supplement vitamin D, which is naturally not possible (without consuming endless amounts of unseasonal fruits)
  4. On average 33 % of people globally suffer from vitamin insufficiencies which is why a targeted supplement can help to fill specific needs to improve overall health
  5. When having to take medication especially antibiotics, supplements, like probiotics can help to restabilize healthy functions of the gut and overall immune system to accelerate a quicker recovery

As you can see there are plenty of reasons to take some supplements to complement a holistic lifestyle. However everything is good in ratios, which is why we recommend your personalised dose.

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