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Article: Colourful Beauty Balls

Colourful Beauty Balls

Colourful Beauty Balls

Beauty energy balls for a healthy energy kick!


These little energy boosters are not only super quick and easy to make but also contain many vitamins that are essential for a radiant skin.

All you need:

  • 200g of almond flour
  • 200g dried apricots
  • 200g dried plums
  • 100g dried apples
  • 4-5 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 3 tbsp nut butter (I like to take cashew butter)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

How to:

Use a food processor to mix all ingredients. Form little balls with the hands. Depending on how big you roll them, it should give you around 12 balls. As a topping you can use anything you like. In the picture you can see four different options:

Orange zest, pistachios, coco-raspberry, cocoa-cinnamon. Grate the orange and roll the balls in the zest. Do the same with the pistachios and the cocoa-cinnamon. For the cocoa-raspberry balls heat the (frozen) raspberries in a pan. When heated up, squeeze through a sieve and keep the juice in a bowl. Fill in coconut splitters and roll the balls in it. Enjoy:) 

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